High-Dac Tuan (Danlambao) - Summary: kv vet supply "It Parallel" is a song written by composer Lam Phuong in 1955 after the Geneva Accords divided the country in 1954 at the 17th parallel, Ben Hai River. The song's words are expecting a girl lover on the side of the river boat to take him across the southern latitudes of peaceful prosperous. Through her words, the author expresses kv vet supply human nature, gentle, loving the people and the country's south. With a unique expression through coordination and describe the scenes, musicians Lam Phuong showed his talent right from a young age.
Musicians Lam Phuong wrote "It Parallel" in 1955, a year after signing the Geneva Accords divided country. I had the opportunity to speak with him directly at his home on December 6, 2014 and he shared interesting stories about the music. He said that when he read the news about the country split in two, sad about it, and have feelings for writing "It Parallel," a magnificent work that nearly sixty years later still doing moving millions of Vietnamese people's hearts all over the globe.
Musicians Lam Phuong Lam Phung real name, was born in 1937 in Rach Gia, Kien Giang. In 1958 he enlisted Army of the Republic of Vietnam. Return kv vet supply to a time of civil, Lam Phuong was re-contingent orders. He joined the musical group Security, when the group disbanded, he joined the US board entertainment and final Special Love Arts Central Union for days lost to South (Wikipedia 2014a). He left Vietnam and countless refugees communism in April 30, 1975. He lived in France and in the United States to this day.
Lam Phuong musicians write about two hundred songs. Numerous well-known and very popular as Poor lifetime, that Parallel, kv vet supply The British soldier, Sad City, Ca Khuc Day season, and Tay afternoon.
I'm with you and build a bridge
Like most of the other songs, the lyrics are often modified, accidentally or intentionally, and sometimes reduced or lost sense song. For instance, "you" (the "misery Now he is immersed in his homeland") was changed to "you" completely changed kv vet supply the meaning of the song. Author Lam Phuong confirmed to me that the right to use "he" is true, as stated in the original tracks.
In this article, I will present to comment on the content and form of the "Parallel about it." Also, as in the previous article about music, I will focus on discussing kv vet supply the literary aspect of the lyrics. I use the "audience" for listeners, readers, and viewers.
In order to understand the idea of the song, we should have a little concept of the historical context of the story in the Post, and also the historical context at Lam Phuong write country songs.
In 1954, the war tr
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