Thursday, August 21, 2014

Twenty-three Korean War veterans and four WWII vets will be on the flight that departs Wichita Mid-C

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A shift has begun for Kansas war veterans taking equine medicine an Honor Flight. For the first time since flights began six years ago, an Honor Flight from Kansas will be taking more Korean War veterans than World War II vets when it leaves this week for Washington, D.C.
Twenty-three Korean War veterans and four WWII vets will be on the flight that departs Wichita Mid-Continent Airport at 8 a.m. Wednesday for the three-day trip, said Mike VanCampen, president of Kansas Honor Flight.
The national Honor Flight, a grassroots organization based in Springfield, Ohio, began operating in 2005 with the purpose of taking WWII veterans to see their memorials in the nation s capital. A Kansas group from Great Bend became a hub for the flights in 2007 and continued through 2011 before disbanding the next year.
But as requests by WWII veterans to take part have been fulfilled, the local group has gradually shifted to taking vets of other wars. Korean War vets are next on the priority list, followed by those who served in Vietnam.
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