Wednesday, October 1, 2014

European Union. Residues of Veterinary Medicinal Products - Third Countries. Importation of animals

The Colombian Agricultural Institute ICA launches new Web portal agricultural health. Easy access, space and order information are one of the many advantages of the new Web site of the ICA, which is already available to all citizens. Through a survey you will qualify the design and operation of this new product. You can also make suggestions and comments. Learn more.
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, International Organisation for Animal Health OIE. Health safety vale vets dursley of foods derived from animal production. In response to consumer demand on food security worldwide, the OIE is working with other relevant organizations to reduce risks to public health posed by food because of the dangers associated with animals. Learn more.
Members are focused on improving the mediation in the SPS. The WTO Committee which deals with food safety and animal and plant health has begun to work in order to encourage members to use mediation to resolve the President some of their differences. vale vets dursley Their efforts are focusing on the development of mediation procedures which some members could take the form of a user guide. Learn more.
ENewsletter quality and food safety FAO. The bulletin on quality and food safety vale vets dursley is an email regularly sent free by AGNS on activities and recent developments also keeps subscribers updated on upcoming events, new publications and information available online (English only ). Learn more.
European Union. Residues of Veterinary Medicinal Products - Third Countries. Importation of animals vale vets dursley and animal products from third countries: Offering equivalent to EU requirements regarding waste contaminants veterinary drugs, pesticides and guarantees. Learn more.
Pan Cam paign of 2008 Dairy consumption. The Pan-American Dairy Federation (FEPALE) through its Program More Milk = Healthier calls the "Pan American Dairy Consumption Campaign 2008, Yes to Milk." General objective of the campaign is to raise awareness and engage diverse actors in America in promoting the consumption of dairy products as demonstrated benefit for human health, based on scientific opinion of Health Professionals, internationally recognized in different countries in America, Oceania and Europe. More.
FAO-Hunger Watch. Rising food inflation hits Latin America and the Caribbean. We are pleased to share the press release of the first issue of the bimonthly bulletin on "Food Situation in Latin America and the Caribbean." The objective is to present vale vets dursley decision makers and public opinion on the state of the markets and food policies at the international and regional level information. Download Bulletin. To subscribe to the "Regional Hunger Watch", please send your request to:
National Day of Zoonoses and Emerging Infectious Diseases, 21, and August 22, Bogota, Colombia. Organize SPVet Network Corporation, vale vets dursley Veterinary Public Health Network, with support from ICA will, and the District Department of Health Bogota, Round financed Colciencias cooperation. Learn more.
The Universidad Sergio Arboleda in Bogota, home to the WTO courses for Latin America. Among the sixteen most prestigious higher education institutions of the continent, Sergio Arboleda University, vale vets dursley was chosen by the World Trade Organization (WTO) as the venue for the next three years, the Regional Trade Policy Course for Latin America. Learn more.
Role of Veterinary Services in the Field of Health Food Safety. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to OIE Members on the role and responsibilities of Veterinary Services in relation to the safety of food and help them achieve both the goals in this area by national legislation and requirements of importing countries. vale vets dursley Download.
Best practices in the use of veterinary drugs and food safety ICA. The use of agricultural inputs in animal production and health are part of current practices in food production, but this represents a hazard to human health when it is not carried out within the parameters of their rational use. Download.
The food safety begins on the farm: the producer point of view. Slack KE Olson & GN. OIE. The consumer expects food

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