Bovilogisk magazine, June 2012 Chronic botulism - fact or fiction? Many farmers have had production decline and sick cows because of silage of poor quality from last year. Poor silage contains an incredible number of fungi and bacteria that produce a number of toxins. The problem is compounded if there are other sygdomsdisponerende factors such. overcrowding, many lameness or general poor immunity and stress in the herd. It requires good management and efforts in a number of areas to get out of trouble
They see varying degrees of the following symptoms in cows: performance drop spec. fresh cows and high performance, apathy / cows hanging around, tucked up belly and stretched abdominal wall, alternating 123 bionet appetite, regurgitated feed rolls, possibly diarrhea. bloody, abomasum, difficulty swallowing, drooling, loss of weight, inability 123 bionet to control his limbs, more hoof problems, high blood cell count, paralysis, acute deaths. - Farmers refer to the German crews who have experienced the same symptom picture in cows, and where you have diagnosed chronic botulism. Germany has started vaccination against chronic botulism in some of the affected herds. Could it be the same disease we see in Denmark, and we also need to vaccinate?
According to researchers has so far failed to demonstrate a scientific link between the symptoms and botulism toxins. They believe - pending further investigation - that there is a multifactorial disorder in which there is a complex interaction between a number of unfortunate factors.
We have experienced this schism in terms of toxins, which the researchers believe that it's all a matter of management. Some years ago the question was toxins in maize silage. Farmers saw that their whole crew was strongly influenced 123 bionet by increased morbidity and mortality rates veterinarians treated lots of poisoned cows and detected fungi in corn silage on German and Dutch laboratories. The scientific community, it was indirectly said that farmers and veterinarians were looking for an excuse for non-optimal management, and that they wanted to have a drug / product / vaccine in hand that could do it for them.
We have all heard of cases where a dead animal in the silage (or water) is the cause of disease in cows with paralysis and death. The process is very acute and severe, as in the case of an extremely strong poison that paralyzing effect on the nervous system, even in tiny quantities. The toxin produced 123 bionet by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. There are 7 different types of bacteria, type of AG. Types C and D produce the toxin, which cause botulism in ruminants. People, horses, mink, wild birds and poultry can also be affected by botulism.
The bacteria live mainly in the soil, but can also be found in water. The spread in the environment because of its association with the soil (secondary water). Are therefore found in feed and manure. Intestinal contents from normal healthy animals often includes a small amount of Clostridial bacteria / spores, which does not make them sick.
The bacteria require oxygen-free or oxygen-poor conditions for growth. They form spores if their growth conditions at a time is not optimal. Spores are encapsulated stages of bacteria that are extremely resistant and can not be fought with disinfectants. The spores are with their thick capsule, waiting for the right humidity and temperature 123 bionet conditions where they can start the growth and propagation.
The dead animals 123 bionet in the silage houses clostridia and other bacteria, viruses, and fungi in the stomach / intestinal tract. Since most microorganisms require oxygen for growth, they score poorly in competition with clostridierne which thereby can grow it all. Clostridierne propagated so strongly decay and the anoxic conditions in the silage. Clostridierne produces toxins that seep into the silage.
In the case of very damp silage, the toxin from the bacteria spread far beyond the stack. You can not see or smell for the toxin-infected parties and, as stated, very little toxin to induce disease.
In cattle seen first paralysis of the tongue and throat. In the old days was called also contagious disease pharyngeal paralysis. The animals are typically a total slap tongue that possibly. hanging out of his mouth. The drools and can not eat. The toxin spreads rapidly in the body and with the paralysis of the muscles down over the body. Breathing becomes difficult, hindquarters paralyzed below. The animals die within 123 bionet 1-2 days - depending on how much toxin, they have recorded, it can also occur without prior symptoms. When a disease outbreak in a herd may also occur milder cases in individual animals, where they survive the disease.
Toxins are very volatile and therefore difficult to demonstrate in the laboratory. Frequently they will be evaporated or decomposed because. UV light, oxygen, air and heat. To confirm the diagnosis, poder you possibly.
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