1 fascioliasis liver fluke disease is a disease caused by two trematodes Fasciola named heptica Fasciolagigantica and parasites in the liver, bile and cause damage in cattle, goats and sheep. Patients around the world.
- Regimen 1: Use Dertyl B at a dose of 6-8 mg / kg body weight. The fact of tablets Dertyl B Corporation and veterinary pharmaceutical Hanvet, use 1 tablet (round pink tablets) bleach for 50 kg body weight. For the cattle to drink in the morning is best, drank it possible for cattle to graze normally.
Check rectal luteal function found to exist, but not pregnant (10 and 20 days after check is the status quo), or touch can be invasive in utero (mentioned above).
1 or no hair follicles thus saved in an ovary (or both) of 10 days or more (diameter> 2.5 cm). As a result, the animal makes regular estrous, prolonged and intense (strength training), there is a change in hormonal balance, muscle tone changes womb, not ovulation. Sometimes accompanied by inflammation of the endometrium.
* Do not inject estrogen derivatives (except requirements healing of Veterinary Medicine). dog diapers male Analysis of suspected food containing Zearalenone or mycotoxins. Restrictions for breeding cows eat foods with mycotoxins and foods herbs estrogen.
* Treatment can apply one of the following ways: (a) injection of hCG: 5000-10000 UI; (b) GnRH injection: 100 - 200 mg, (c) injection of PGF 2 a (Dinoprost: 25mg, or Cloprostenol: 500mg), (d) Progesterone injection: 1.9 g: (f) Inject 50 ml of glucose (40-50%) in the uterus (Japanese experience), (f) Squeeze cyst rupture (rectum): danger, caution is advised.
Symptoms: no prolonged estrus, or estrous stage weak and unclear. Smaller than normal ovaries, can not gold nor follicular development. After each round of the 10-day palpation, ovarian status does not change.
* Through dog diapers male rectum, ovary massaged each (a few days to remove 1 times, each time 3-5 minutes, conducted in 4-5 times) 4 samples in cattle clinic symptoms - lesions - Clinical signs common are: Hair loss, oily skin, thickening of the skin. - Patients can have in a few days after birth, progressively higher prevalence of maternal exposure to child, often seen as signs: skin redness, scaly, round ulcerating leg, no hair around the eyes or whole body. - If the region in the form of localized lesions are common on the face, eyelids, feet first. Local lesions are often not in a state of mild inflammation develops into pus development plan. - If the skin in the form of full body red with blood and serum exudate. This is often associated dog diapers male with bacterial infections of opportunities such as Staphylococcus aureus, dog diapers male Pseudomonas sp cause pyogenic and fishy smell. Treatment: medication VIMECTIN 0.25%: + Prevention: subcutaneous injection 1ml / 6 kg body weight, 2 months 1 time. + Tri disease: subcutaneous injection 1ml / 4 kg body weight, 2 months 1 time medication VIMECTIN dog diapers male 1%: + Prevention: subcutaneous injection dog diapers male 1ml / 25 kg body weight, 2 months 1 time. + Tri disease: subcutaneous injection 1ml / 16 kg body weight, 1 week, 3 weeks. - Disinfect animal locked in place NOVADINE or NOVAXIDE * Combined with bath soap kill scabies SHAMPOO PINK NOVA-bath 3 times week
Polio before birth: Common in cow before calving, paralyzed hind legs, the animal does not stand. The disease is often found in the last month of pregnancy.
- At first, dog diapers male the animals are popular, but very difficult to stand up, weak hind legs, stood on shaky legs after up to down or bad, goes on the more difficult, wobbly legs later, after not stand though there are more patrons. If prolonged paralysis of the hind limb muscles atrophied, the resting place on the ground to rot loet.Khong have systemic dog diapers male symptoms
Prognosis good if the animal emits animals coming into spawning period not exceeding 15 days, after birth, the animals will return to normal. If the disease is discovered early and prolonged the animals that can be killed by blood lost many seats rot ulcers.
Infusion for cattle
- Ensure nutritional needs roughage fine for each stage of pregnancy stages of pregnancy dog diapers male attention from the 5th month onwards and feeding period until weaning. Additional rock licks, nutritious bread, Mineral Premix Plus Calcifort usually 1-2 months xuyen.Tiem ADE / times the risk (sick, malnourished pregnant)
6 red eye inflammatory disease in cattle dog diapers male caused by many types of microorganisms which cause inflammation of the cornea-conjunctiva dog diapers male mat.Ruoi is the intermediate host infect dog diapers male ruminants. The disease dog diapers male usually dog diapers male occurs in the hot season of the year in buffalo, cow, goat, sheep with a variety of pathogenic microorganisms. Each different animal species
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