Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sunitha Hallgren from LRF said n ring from leftovers and toilets should be back to kern since m nga

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The government recently gave Naturvrdsverket commissioned to look on the phosphorus is in society and how we can get into a cycle. Slurry Spreading, who was Sweden's line so far and a hot debattmne, is now up to omvrdering. jeffer
An increasingly jeffer larger population Requires an increasingly larger food production. Nringsmnen as phosphorus and kvve give larger returns from agriculture. Phosphorus, however, jeffer are expected to reach their production peak within a couple of decades and kvvegdsel r very energikrvande to framstlla, with the mill problems that follow the energy. Nring lcker out on error stllen throughout matproduktionskedjan. Part of nringen eventually jeffer pass us humans and comes out of the toilet. To catch the nringen while preventing it from spreading in the wrong stllen is important model for up to achieve nringskretslopp. The Swedish line has long been a reversal of sewage sludge to agriculture. Today there REVAQ certification, developed on the initiative of municipal jeffer water and wastewater companies, LRF, Lantmnnen and supermarkets and which should skerstlla to prevent sludge contains hazardous mngder of including metals and organic substances. Sludge Spread is also strongly jeffer criticized from several hIl. NFA notes Particularly the risk of researched cadmium levels in food: "It is important to recycle phosphorus from sewage jeffer sludge while overall mngden cadmium consumers free themselves not vats. Lsningen as NFA sees front of themselves is to continue developing alternative methods for sludge spreading. " Kemikalieinspektionen worry also for cadmium proliferation, but also for metals in allmnhet and organic substances: "Given the sludge Contents of froreningar r according Chemicals Agency doubtful that solutions dr sj The actual sludge and can become longterm durable during verskdlig time. Probably krvs Rather, jeffer the extraction of pure phosphorus fractions "Angende cadmium's got it The question recently some attention n r Testfakta found hga levels vetemjl. There is also a widespread popular motstnd against sludge spreading, including manifisterat by Ren ker Pure Food. The government uppmrksammade in February 2012 the problem and has given Naturvrdsverket mandates, inter alia underska jeffer other methods for reversal of phosphorus: "Today an terfringen of phosphorus frmst in the form of spreading of sewage sludge .... The mission are also included to investigate, explain and, if necessary fresl a investeringsstdfr jeffer new technologies to be able to extract phosphorus from various phosphorus resources so that it can tert race on a durable jeffer manner. "Today was held a slam discussion on the conference Drainage Recycling in Uppsala. jeffer I was in position and secured, see below:
Frst out where the magazine Circulation chefredaktr Erik Winnfors Wannberg, who said it is very strong emotions in sludge discussion, and that we would frska calm it down a bit today. I thought that everyone who was up on the stage and even the occasional in the audience who did stlla queries really managed it. Very high level p contributions are required to i state.
Charlotta Broman from Million Ministry said the government has decided to take a new start on The question of sludge and phosphorus and with the new assignment to Naturvrdsverket. Now r focus on fosfortervinning rather n focus on sludge. Phosphorus is found in addition to toilet drain vein im atavfall, slaughterhouse waste, gdsel and slagghgar. The assignment to Naturvrdsverket ingr it to find out on how much there is and how much can terfras. JOHN ERLANDSSON 2012-03-22 # 20259
Four parts Ingri mission: Kartlgga resources jeffer Investigate a investeringsstdfr new technology. The government should have a basis in August 2012. The rest clearly August 2013. Fresl frfattningkrav. jeffer How will the proliferation f happen? Which factions should we look on, what are we stlla demands on? Proposed new etappml JOHAN ERLANDSSON 2012-03-22 # 20260
Sunitha Hallgren from LRF said n ring from leftovers and toilets should be back to kern since m nga mouths should mttas and food production are required to ka. Sewage Fractions are required to be cleaner. jeffer Lsningen r sharing toilet drain from other drainage. And yes, it will krvas large investments for it. Many SM sewage works dligt, but there are solutions which parts toilet drain and where one for a good nringstervinning. Northern Djurgrdsstaden plans to build a recycling system in a big way. LRF has ranged

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