Runny nose, itchy eyes, weight gain, swollen belly like being pregnant through the pain (headache, abdominal pain) and pain, these symptoms may be caused by food intolerances or food allergies or origin of certain chronic diseases (Ezcema, acne, psoriasis ...).
Simply put, when we have food intolerances, LIVER, detoxifying canine chemist organ of the body is asked to destroy substances that the body can not tolerate. Result, he works too much and more to eliminate toxins that it does not adhere. Spending too much time on this function, the poor can no longer hold office, toiling and letting substances in the body causing symptoms of runny nose, itching, diarrhea or pain.
Detecting intolerant foods, we proceed to a foreclosure in the diet for a while and now that our liver is less biased to defeat these toxins and therefore takes over the activities which it was designed. "Toxins" disruptive food are then removed from the body after a certain time. This is called detoxification of the liver. It is possible to help the body with nutritional supplements or herbal teas.
Food intolerances disrupt the body's immune system and generate "Mimi inflammation." For example, no one with unknown food allergies and having an overweight CAN NOT SLIM long as there is inflammation.
It is therefore important to know the foods that disrupt our entire organization. Solutions exist.
Bovine serum albumin, serum cat, dog serum, pig serum
Khorasan wheat Blomia Tropicalis Beef Botrytis cinerea common Silver Birch Bourdon Broccoli Bromelain Buisson at Hummingbird Peanut Duck Chamomile Cocoa Coffee cockroach canine chemist Candida Albicans Cranberry Cinnamon Carambola Carrot Cardamom Carob Carrelet Caraway Casein Casuarina - Australian pine Cayenne Cedar Cedar Japan Cefaclor Celery Chaetomium globosum Cherry Cephalosporium acremonium fungus weevil Thistle Russian wheat Charming Chestnut Oak Oak Goosefoot tailed deer Chicory Chloramine T Chou - White Cabbage - Red Cabbage - Cabbage white green red Brussels sprouts Cabbage Cauliflower Green Lemon Lime Chymopapain Ciron Cladosporium Herbarum Clove Rape Conalbumin Coquille Saint Jacque cucumber Coriander Cotton Courgette Crab Shrimp Droppings parakeet droppings pigeon droppings Chicken Curry Cumin Turmeric Curcumin (Santa Maria) Curvularea Dactylis glomerata canine chemist lunata Italian Cypress Daphnia Datte Silk waste turkey Distichlis spicata Barnyard Echinococcosis Squid Endive Spelt flour Epiccocum purpurascens Spruce Spices Spinach mixed epithelium epithelium Goat epithelium deer dog epithelium chinchilla guinea pig epithelium epithelium epithelium ferret gerbil hamster canine chemist epithelium epithelium epithelium rabbit sheep pig epithelium epithelium epithelium fox rat epithelium Mouse epithelium mink Eucalyptus snail Swordfish Tarragon Oatmeal Barley flour Wheat flour hemp flour Corn flour Rice flour Rye flour False pepper Fennel Fenugreek Meadow Fescue Bay leaf tobacco leaf Ficus Benjamina Fig Bean Flavonoids Timothy meadows Halibut Formaldehyde Flouve fragrant Strawberry Raspberry Franseria acanthicarpa White Ash Ripened Cheese Fromental Passion Fruit Mixed seafood Fusarium moniliforme Juniper Mountain Geranium Jelly Bean Sprout Gluten Ginger Gum arabic gum guar bean cocoa bean green coffee seed beet seed Seed Pumpkin Seed Rape Seed Cotton Seed Flax Seed Millet Seed Poppy Seed castor seed Sesame seed Sunflower fennel buerre Fat Fat milk Guava Red Currant canine chemist paper wasp Wasp Wasp common Herring Bean White Kidney Bean Bean Spain Helminthosporum Green Grass Lemon Grass halodes Hemiptera bean Bermuda Grass Grass Bromus American Beech salt hexahydrophthalic anhydride Hop houlque woolly Oyster Inositol Insulin Insulin beef swine Isocyanate Ispaghul canine chemist Iva annua perennial Ryegrass Ryegrass Jackfruit
Bovine lactoferrin Lactose Milk Milk bouill
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