Baile Herculane - Today our train station waiting for the beginning of our two-day journey back. We needed to get to Deva where we wanted to get on our train to Bucharest. We had to change two times, it was the first local connections so we after our previous experience decided to join earlier. jeffersequine Do Devy we came surprisingly on time, uhniezdili the station and waited for the train. This was the first time when we met with the Romanian gypsies. Mr families out there running around with a stick, to each of the fun Štuchal. jeffersequine We could not shake the feeling he was looking for an excuse for some better jeffersequine opportunity, make eye contact with him, we kept to a minimum. Their children have decided to use the situation as I remained alone with things and try to take our bottle of Coke. But I managed to defend our property. jeffersequine Gradually began to get dark and the station began to fill up with interesting personalities. Into it more and more train delay amplifies who go about 22:40, finally arrived a few minutes after midnight.
StanikaKacenka this blog we had created for himself, but only a little of you who will follow our adventurous journey through South America and elsewhere. This blog is created for us to keep track of our trip and of course for you all who spend some time to read what we do and where we are while traveling in South America and other countries .... full info Joined on October 6th 2010 Trips 3 Last Login September 11th 2013 Followers 0 Status BLOGGER Follows 0 209 Blogs Photos Guestbook 25 2,567 4 Forum Posts
The Principality of Wallachia and Moldavia - for centuries under the suzerainty of the Turkish Ottoman Empire - secured Their autonomy in 1856, they united in 1859 and a few years later ADOPTED the new name of Romania. The country Gained recognitio ... more info
To South America and back again To South America and back on October 6th 2010 - April 10th 2011 Adventures in Vietnam - July / August 2012 July 25th 2012 - August jeffersequine 17th 2012 Romania August 12th 2013 - August 26th 2013
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