It's ... memories that evokes in you feelings of sadness ... stellar kid. And your time spent on earth is a time of conversion and you, who huddle in the arms of the Earth and you know your way leads to a different address, and your task is to return people to dream of happiness. Embrace them together with the earth by his power of love.
Snuggle down and tell her tale of happiness that is waiting vet meds direct for her. Whispering in her ear fountains, waterfalls, geysers, springs flowing therethrough words of love from your heart. To hear how much you love me. That time, and its gates are open to all who love. That nobody is allowed to hitting man and earth. Depriving them of the miraculous, belonging to them.
A crystal glittering in her veins, from the very beginning of its existence lovingly mounted to be grown in wisdom and beauty, Crystalline changes its shape. vet meds direct From the material hardness Crystalline - Crystalline - transparent. That the sun shining sky it smooth his warm hand that even ruled on its surface and love flourished. Pink, green, red, blue, gold ..... Earth is there to grow into the sky, infinite distances of space. And with the Earth and you, man. Balance equilibration body unity.
Dreaming and hojdaj in its inside, vet meds direct and demonstrate what you know and everything you know. Thousands of skills that you have. You're back one or more times was that it taught. Show her the way back. Thy heart bluish radiation. White color Thy aircraft Approaching like a cloud to the earth's surface. Have you been here many times. vet meds direct Those who know that the world you have been sent and knows - he wants to come back to love. Together with you taught man. No violence, but happiness.
Embracing your heart spiral of love. Dive into its center and enjoy your memories that Ti is now intensively returns. Showing the path of Thy children coming back home. After all, you see, it's time to bloom. It starts with green grass, develops vet meds direct buds that smelled the earth as Your unconditional love.
It's time to embrace. The sky and the earth. Intense energy of love that time moved on, newly acquired wisdom. They fall sledge, unbelieving man, when he saw the sky flock of white birds. Their stellar years. You'll be eager to touch them and touch it still. And you, who know .... know. That it is time for people to say: "I am here, my beloved. I stand and I wait, perceiving and oblivious to your material world. Because I'm here and there. vet meds direct Loop time, which you have attended and gave me the opportunity to return. Speed time rings, connecting its final point circle new frequency. "
Let me say that I loved ......, stellar kid on earth, even though I'm with you - come. One of those white birds, or transparent clouds is my personal. Waiting a long time for my return home. Split, dropwise over strands consisting of words showing people the path - it flows through massive flows to earth. I'm with you, man enlightened. Irradiated flowing radiation. I'm still here with you while looking at you from the supernal heights. I have such a capability. I multidimensional. You looking for a way down to the earth and above the earth.
Many are sent to earth to teach, lead, showing people their human wisdom. They also have to mention again where they belong. What are all capable of creating such a grandiose understand .... and embrace their land and each other endless unconditional love.
Fragrant white agate, flint receiving earth and man. Glittering on a sunny plain. Giving strength and courage to once again return to their wisdom. Combining in himself all the precious energy of the Earth. Internally doráňanej promoting healing of the soul. Ability nicer to see positive fine-tuning everything humanly forgotten. White agate in Your hand perfectly blended and substantiality prapodstatnosť your life. When you hold it in your hand and midranges points palms activated. His long repressed energy of the Earth. Your palms and white agate with each other. Each activated. Is it appropriate to add to their collections miraculous stones, returning you again to his genetic memory. The interaction of you and the earth. There are many precious stones dug from the earth. Many of the necessary energy was inserted into her back. With a vote of thanks and love. The ones that you yourself are intended to assist the Earth to man. Defender to understand and understandable. White Agate - another matte love - bond present and future. When possible, keep it in your hand. When reading, watching a movie .... It is the most love, which is your fifth chakra joining you word chakra through the light of the new fifth dimension. Revives the forgotten memories of happiness from your past and thereby contribute vet meds direct to life optimistically.
Rise and fall, kĺžeme after your sky, to show you how easy it is to move at a different time. Breathtaking speed shoot your ship into space and return again. That's all we can. And we wish you well as you did it. Move with love - its knowledge - driven by her
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