The story of the game based on the movie Ice Age - Continental Drift revolves around us all the familiar characters and although Scrat, Manny, Sid, Diego, Ellie and new additions - Peaches. Those are the huge floe drifting away from home and their job is to get back home. Along the way, however, is waiting for interesting sporting vet at the barn adventure.
On the way back you will afflict marine storms, tidal waves and all kinds of sea creatures. Then you will encounter pirates, who will compete with you in ten sports mini-games. The mini-games will be a time and will compete in skiing, for example, the sliding or the shooting. For their discipline finalized you will receive acorns, which are divided into gold, silver and bronze. The team that earns the most acorns, wins.
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Minimum vet at the barn hardware requirements, which requires installation of games Ice Age 4: Continental Drift - Arctic Games: Windows XP / Vista / 7 Intel Core2 CPU 6600@2.40GHz / AMD Athlon II X2 250 2 GB RAM 2 gigabytes of disk space 256MB card (NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GTS / ATI Radeon HD 3650) DirectX 9.0c compatible vet at the barn sound card DirectX 9.0c
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