Common tender animal pharmacy procedure for constitution of jurdica ratio of public employment, occupation of a job, provided ene busy in personal 2010 map, category / Career T Superior cynical, Department of Environmental Health.
1 -.... Pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 6 and Article 50 of Law No. 12-A/2008, of 27 February, which is made public by order of the Board Governing the National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge, IP (INSA, IP), of May 14, 2010, in the framework of their competence, is open for the period of ten working days from the date of publication of this notice in the Diary of the Republic, the joint tender procedure for completing 1 job provided ene busy in category / Higher Technician career, personal map of INSA , IP, in the form of jurdica ratio of public employment titrated by the contract of employment animal pharmacy PUBLIC functions indefinitely.
2 - This procedure achieved favorable opinion of HE the Secretary of State for Public Administration by Order No. 205/2009/SEAP of 29 December 2009 and by HE Minister of State. of Finance and by Order no. 135/10/MEF of April 8, 2010, to enable the recruitment, only workers with jurdica ratio of public employment by indefinitely, but also workers animal pharmacy with jurdica ratio of public employment for a specified time or determinvel or without jurdica ratio of public employment previously established pursuant in n. 6 of Article 6.'s Law. 12-A/2008, of 27 February (LVCR).
3 - aplicvel animal pharmacy Legislao - This procedure is governed by disposies contained in LVCR, with the changes introduced by the Declaration of Rectificao n 22-A/2008. , of 24 April, by Law no. 64-A/2008 31 December and Law n. 3-B/2010, of 28 April, Decree n. 14/2008 of 31 Jul Law. 59/2008, of 11 September, animal pharmacy Order no. 83-A/2009, 22 January (hereafter Ordinance) and Decree-Law n. 271/2007, of 26 July .
4 -... For the purposes of sub paragraph 1 of Article 4 and Article 54 of the Ordinance, it is stated in the reserves are constitudas prprias recruitment, assuming also inexistncia Reservation constitudas by Centralized Entity for Constitution Reserves animal pharmacy Recruiting (ECCRC), because were still advertised in any proceedings under Article 41 et seq. said Ordinance.
5 - Scope Recruitment animal pharmacy - n 205/2009/SEAP By orders of December animal pharmacy 29, 2009 by HE the Secretary of State for Public Administration and 135/10/MEF n,.. of April 8, 2010, by HE the Minister of State of Finance, pursuant to paragraph. 6 of Article 6. LVCR of, authorized the recruitment of people with relationship between jur hint of public employment for a specified time or determinvel or without animal pharmacy jurdica ratio of public employment previously established.
7 - Identificaoe characterization of the job - The functional animal pharmacy area to occupy the place falls within the Department of Environmental Health, which is responsible for developing activities in the areas of the environment, including air, soil and Waters, whose competencies are established in Article animal pharmacy 31 et seq.'s Order n. 15/2009 of 7 April.
8 - Functional contents - Ensure technique liability Laboratory of Biology and Ecotoxicology, Department of Environmental Health (DSA) - Porto; Ensure service delivery in the framework of the execution of ecotoxicolgicas microbiolgicas and analyzes of water; Perform environmental analyzes for research patogneos of transmissohdrica; Develop, implement and execute analticos different methods for the determination of harmful organisms and associated toxins; Identificaoe quantification of fitoplncton (cianobactrias, animal pharmacy diatomceas, dinoflagellates, crisofceas, euglenfitas, criptfitas, clorfitas) and determination of cyanotoxins; Research and quantification of fotossintticos animal pharmacy pigments (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, chlorophyll animal pharmacy c, carotenoids, phycocyanin and phycoerythrin spectroscopy fluorescncia); Research and quantification of endotoxin; Search and identification of Legionella pneumophila spp ene pneumophila including classic and method for real-time PCR; Collaborate in the surveillance of environmental risk factors; Collaborate in maintaining the biobank animal pharmacy microalgae Department and organization of its database; Estatstico Treatment Data Quality Control and elaboration of Letters Guide and amplitudes; Participate in the elaboration of the business plan of the laboratory; Develop procedures technicians; Approve animal pharmacy and validate results; Collaborate in the gesture of laboratory materials and reagents; Collaborate in the exercise of functions of Quality Manager in the Laboratories of Microbiology and Biology and Ecotoxicology
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