Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Harvesting of dogs in shelters is one of the measures to reduce their population. Others are castra

Massive collection of stray dogs and aggressive goals packs go in the capital. So far, most mongrels were harvested from "YouTube", "Lyulin", "Sheep font" and "Slatina" told "Monitor" boss "Ecoravnovesie" Manol Nejkov.
The new shelter in huts, there are about 620 dogs in a total of 1000 seats. Separately, about 130 are housed in the old kennel Seslavci. NGOs like "Ecoravnovesie" also catching dogs, making them neutered and de-worming.
"We're going stray dogs from the suburbs, where many packs, especially if they are close to Roma neighborhoods," added Nejkov. He explained that "Mladost" have already been captured to 80 dogs, only 30 are neutered and returned to the place. This means that 7-8 packs with 5-6 dogs are no longer on the streets and in shelters in Upper Bogrov explained chief "Ecoravnovesie." There are mutts 10-15 in a cell, not one or two. Their maintenance costs less than the shelter Seslavci that day was to lev 5 because the new kennel building is not supported, do not pay for lighting and heating.
To have less dogs in the streets of Sofia, Sofia Mayor Yordanka Fandakova hopes Caretaker Government to adopt the new ordinance avisulat for animal shelters. "It will allow us to begin construction of the second phase of the shelter open type, which can accommodate 1,000 dogs," explained Mayor to "monitor". Now "Ecoravnovesie" work 8 hunting team in Nejkov they are sufficient at the moment. Hunters harvested a few dozen dogs every week, most of them, however, spay or neuter them and return to the site, if they are not aggressive.
Harvesting of dogs in shelters is one of the measures to reduce their population. Others are castration. This year in the capital will be neutered 6,000 mutt from "Ecoravnovesie" and several NGOs. Will be processed free of charge and yard dogs, their owners will be able to record date and time. In May and June, will be sent to mobile clinics in Roma neighborhoods, which will process mutts there. The aim is to create a generation to the streets.
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Thank Jordanka found wildlife We found three baby swallows 23/06/2014
Hello! Today, my father found three small lyastovicheta while he was at work. Generally the birds make their nests on the brim of the building where he works, avisulat but unfortunately the nest in which they were small chance. He took them, put them in a box and brought them home. My request is if you can give us some tips to feed them and help them stefity Birds Re: insects 06/23/2014
Oh it is a very ordinary sparrows, pigeons, here and there a gugudka.Obshto taken odomasheno.Zhito nothing and just got in izobilie.Okolo us has pretty trees in our yard sashto.Sina me loves watching them, so I decided that if house put the seed will have more opportunity avisulat to gleda.Ot avisulat far, of course. Jordanka Birds Re: insects 23/06/2014
There is no way to feed the swallows. A seed-I use different. Depends what you want to feed birds, avisulat but sunflower, wheat and millet are appropriate. Winter small birds most eat sunflower. There are some niger seed you want to buy. Suitable for finches. Koset0 Dogs - Canidae Re: Let's avisulat learn together-all the basic commands for training 06/23/2014
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